VFAF official statement on Israel’s declaration of war on Hamas terrorists.

10-7-23 Veterans and all Americans should be rightly shocked at the outbreak of war-like attacks on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas. Under President Trump, Russia was restrained, China was contained and Mid-East peace was sustained. We must unite to oust Biden and recall Trump to the White House without delay. America and its allies can no […]

Keith Green endorsed by Veterans for America First Florida Chapter for Manatee County Florida BOCC District 7

10-6-23 PRESS LINK : https://fox59.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/660131385/keith-green-endorsed-by-veterans-for-america-first-for-manatee-county-florida-bocc-district-7/ Veterans for America First aka Veterans for Trump have endorsed Keith Green for Florida Manatee County commissioner District 7 said Carla Spalding Keith Green is the America First candidate in the race and will serve the people.”— Stan Fitzgerald VFAF Veterans for Trump President BRADENTON, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, October 6, […]

FL VFAF President Angie Wong invited to Lee County dinner with President Trump.

4-21-23 Angie Wong Legacy PAC President and Veterans for Trump Ambassador represents the organizations at the Lee County FL Lincoln Reagan Dinner. Legacy PAC was a proud sponsor of the event. Legacy PAC Sponsor of event Press Link: https://www.prlog.org/12954432-legacy-pac-to-sponsor-dinner-with-president-donald-trump-by-lee-county-fl-gop.html

Carla Spalding of Florida named Veterans for Trump National Ambassador

4-14-23 Veterans for Trump aka Veterans for America First names Carla Spalding a national ambassador to the organization announced Stan Fitzgerald VFAF National President. PRESS RELEASE LINK : https://www.prlog.org/12960113-carla-spalding-of-florida-named-veterans-for-trump-ambassador.html MIAMI – April 14, 2023 – PRLog — Veterans for Trump aka Veterans for America First names Carla Spalding a national ambassador to the organization announced Stan Fitzgerald VFAF President. By […]

Gabrielle Fox endorsed by Veterans for Trump National for Florida HD 94

4-13-23 PALM BEACH, Fla. – April 13, 2023 – PRLog — By VFAF: Gabrielle Fox, candidate for Florida HD 94 , has been endorsed by Veterans for Trump announced Angie Wong VFAF National Media Rep. PRESS RELEASE LINK: https://www.prlog.org/12959890-gabrielle-fox-endorsed-by-veterans-for-trump-for-florida-hd-94-race.html “Gabrielle Fox has demonstrated she will work for Floridians and Saving America with her activism. Her policies are clearly Florida First. […]

Florida Veterans for America First chapter calls for special counsel to investigate Biden’s violation of the hatch act.

4-10-23 The Florida State Chapter of Veterans for America First joins the National in calling for a special counsel to investigate Mr. Biden’s use of the White House for his campaign, in violation of the Hatch Act. NATIONAL VFAF PRESS RELEASE LINK : https://www.prlog.org/12959383-veterans-for-trump-calls-for-investigation-into-bidens-use-of-white-house-for-tiktok-influencers.html From the National : WASHINGTON – April 10, 2023 – PRLog […]

Legacy PAC with Veterans for Trump were in New York City for the arraignment of Donald J. Trump.

4-6-23 Legacy PAC with Veterans for Trump were in New York City for the arraignment of Donald J. Trump with Veterans for Trump invited to Mar-A-Lago that evening PRESS LINK : https://www.einpresswire.com/article/626459886/legacy-pac-was-on-the-ground-in-nyc-for-the-arraignment-of-president-trump-as-pundits-for-donald-j-trump MANHATTAN , NEW YORK , USA , April 6, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Legacy PAC was on the ground in NYC for the arraignment of […]

Angie Wong, Veterans for Trump national media rep, releases statement on President Trump’s scheduled arraignment in NYC

4-2-23 PRESS RELEASE LINK : https://www.prlog.org/12958127-angie-wong-veterans-for-trump-national-media-rep-releases-statement-on-president-trumps-scheduled-arraignment-in-nyc.html MANHATTAN, N.Y. – April 2, 2023 – PRLog — Angie Wong, Veterans for Trump national media rep, releases statement on President Trump’s scheduled arraignment in NYC. ” Across the globe millions are watching wondering if America will survive this onslaught from the left and remain the beacon of freedom […]

Florida Veterans for America First